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My Words My Life


~*!*~Much More~*!*~
A girl is much more than she seems,
Not a toy by any means,
Underneath all the make-up and hair,
There is a sign that says
"Handle With Care"

What is a promise?
It;s not just saying it that gives thw word the meaning,
It has to be proved.
You must not only say it, you must keeo, and do it.
To break a promise could lead to serious consequences.
You know you can lose the one you love,
So think before you say that word with such value.
And when it is said you must mean it,
For if not used proplery it is not a promise...
Promise- A deal or decleration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified.

Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In LoveClick here to make Falling Objects Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love Dangerously In Love

~*!*~To Love or Not To Love?~*!*~
That Is the Question...
Some times at night, when I look to the sky, I start thinking of you and ask myself why! Why do I love you? I think and smile because I know the list could could run for miles. The whisper of you voice, the warmth of your touch, so many little things that make me love you so much. The way you support me, and help me with my emotions. The way that you care and show such devotion. The way your eyes shine when you look at me. Lost with you forever is where I want to be. The way that I feel when your by my side a sense of completion and overflowing pride. The dreams that I dream that all involve you, the possibilities I see and the things we can do. How you finish the puzzle that lies inside my heart how that deep in my soul you are the most important things in my life.

More where that came from...